NBS solutions for the graphic arts industry
NBS extraction systems for paper and dust waste have been a safe address in the graphic industry for many years. Classical printers, bookbinders or postpress companies operate in this industry. These are confronted with paper waste in the form of edge trimmings or continuous strips. The waste can come from various production machines, such as saddle stitchers, guillotines, folding machines, perfect binders, three-knife trimmers or offset printing machines. With an NBS extraction system, the paper waste is collected and transported to the central disposal point by means of air technology. You as the customer decide yourself in which form the paper waste is processed. A baling press, a press container or a compaction with compacting screw is possible.
Not to be neglected in the graphic arts industry is also dust. The milling dust from an adhesive binder is just as important as the normal dust from other production machines. NBS extraction systems dispose not only of the paper but also of the dust. This dust is collected in a filter system and the cleaned air can be returned to the production. The dust is collected in a bin or pressed into briquettes using an NBS briquetting press.
NBS solutions for the graphic arts industry